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Posted Date: 4/12/24 (8:46 AM)

Dear Parents & Guardians,

 I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the valuable partnership we share in supporting our children, staff, and schools.  Our collaboration is essential in providing our children with the aligned support they need to thrive. Together, we create a strong foundation that enables them to meet their individual needs and reach their fullest potential.

Now more than ever, our partnership is crucial in ensuring a safe and secure learning environment for our children. By working together, we can provide them with the physical, mental, and emotional support they require to navigate the complexities of today's world.

Above all, our connection to each other as caring adults is important to healthy children. Our children need to know that they are surrounded by individuals who genuinely care about their well-being and success.  I am proud of the care and connections our staff and volunteers strive to create.  

While the end of the school year is in sight, there is still work that needs to be done.  Our students and staff have worked hard all year and next week they will start taking the State Assessments.  Here are some tips to help support and prepare them to do their very best:

  • Encourage a Positive Mindset: Remind children that assessments are an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. Encourage them to approach the tests with a positive attitude and confidence in their abilities.

  • Provide Support for Test Anxiety: Offer strategies for managing test anxiety, such as deep breathing exercises, positive self-talk, and visualization techniques. Encourage children to focus on their preparation and the process of taking the test rather than worrying about the outcome.

  • Establish a Supportive Environment: Ensure that children have everything they need to feel comfortable and confident during the assessment.

  • Preparation:  Eat healthy, provide exercise and play, and establish routines for quality sleep.

While our children are preparing for the State Assessments, I seek your help to complete the State Conditions for Learning Survey by clicking on the links below.  This survey is anonymous and the district uses the data to help guide our goals and work.  Essentially, we see it as a report card on how we are doing.  

Survey Link and Instruction for Parents Guardians

Survey Link and Instructions for Parents Guardians (Spanish)

The district has renewed the website to provide greater access to pertinent information.  The renewal includes a transition from School Messenger to ParentSquare which provides a systemic web and communications platform that aligns district social media.  Ms. Keeler is the district Web & Social Media Coordinator and has led the project transition.  If you have any questions or identify a broken link, outdated information, or inaccurate page/information, please contact her

I want to remind you that we need your help to keep our schools safe and secure.  Please visit with your children about school, life, and the conversations happening through social media. It is very important that when they see or hear dangerous or threatening statements they tell you or a school official.  We can appropriately address what we know and what we know may save lives and help a child get the services they need.  

Please review your contact information in PowerSchool.  We depend on this to identify who has access to your child and relevant information.  In the absence of any contact information, the district will only acknowledge the identified parents and contacts. 

I value your ongoing support and dedication to our children's education and well-being. Together, we can continue to provide them with the love, support, and guidance they need to thrive.  Thank you for supporting our children, staff, and our schools and joining us in making them the PRIDE of our community! As always, please contact me with your concerns or questions at or 641-782-7028. 

Creston Cares,

Deron Stender
