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Activities Registration and Physcials

Posted Date: 7/25/24 (8:51 AM)

Good afternoon,

It is hard to believe that the beginning of the school year is quickly approaching. With the beginning of the school year this also means the beginning of our activities. Once again, we are using an online registration process. The link to this registration will be at the bottom of this letter.

A couple of things about our activities registration....
1. This is not registration for school. (That is available online or in person on August 5th at the High School.) This is for any 7th-12th grader who is planning on participating in any of the various activities offered at Creston Community Schools. These activities include fines arts as well as sports.
2. There are several forms that will need to be completed and uploaded. Those include the concussion form, Greater Regional Consent form, and the physical forms.
3. There are no fees to register. This is simply our process to collect the above mentioned documents, of which all of them are required to be submitted prior to your child participating in any activity.
4. Registering for an activity does not mean you are bound to participate, it only indicates that you are interested and may participate.

Physicals- All students planning on participating in our activities are required to have a current physical on file with the school. Failure to have a current physical on hand will make your child ineligible to practice or compete in their activity until a current physical is either uploaded to their registration or submitted to the activities office at the high school. Therefore, it is essential that you double check the expiration date of the current physical or if your child has not had one in the last 12 months please schedule it immediately. All valid physicals must have a physicians signature as well as a parent's signature.

Registration- When registering your child/children please make sure the year in the top left is set to 2024-2025.

If you have any questions concerning physicals or registration please let us know.

One last thing, our high school fall activity parent meetings are scheduled for August 13th at 5:30 pm. A more detailed schedule will be sent out a week prior to the meetings. ​This is for ​high school students only. 

Thank you and Go Panthers!

Scott Driskell
Activities Director Creston Community High School and Middle School